g6wrw: 23 cm home built 10 W amplifier ready to test
g6wrw: 23 cm home built 10 W amplifier ready to test
g6wrw: The "W6PQL" boards mounted to the chasis (23 cm amp)
g6wrw: 23 cm home built 10 W amplifier ready to test
g6wrw: Android tablet to FT-8*7
g6wrw: Android tablet to FT-8*7
g6wrw: Tiny Trak 4
g6wrw: Home built APRS tracker
g6wrw: 23cm transverter
g6wrw: 23cm transverter
g6wrw: Testing homebrew 23 cm Yagi
g6wrw: Testing homebrew 23 cm Yagi
g6wrw: VFO parts ready for assembly
g6wrw: Aligning the VFO
g6wrw: BitScope image of VFO output
g6wrw: MST3 kit parts
g6wrw: MST3 partially populated
g6wrw: MST3 kit completed and ready to test
g6wrw: CS-40 40m ssb transceiver kit
g6wrw: "Sandwich" VFO
g6wrw: Testing RX
g6wrw: Wondering if a SOTAbeams filter would work
g6wrw: Complete and tested