Gerrit Marcus:
Russell Hotel detail
Gerrit Marcus:
Gerrit Marcus:
Poppen bij St. Martin in de Fields
Gerrit Marcus:
London Eye
Gerrit Marcus:
Panorama, Thames en London Eye van af de Hungerford loopbrug
Gerrit Marcus:
Uitzicht Thames met London Eye
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Meisje op de draaimolen
Gerrit Marcus:
London Eye
Gerrit Marcus:
Gerrit Marcus:
Bubbels in the Air
Gerrit Marcus:
Panorama, Millenium Footbridge
Gerrit Marcus:
Uitzicht op Southwark bridge en Tower bridge vanaf Millenium footbridge
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Regents canal
Gerrit Marcus:
Voorheen Weinreb en Douma
Gerrit Marcus:
Royal Academy of Arts
Gerrit Marcus:
Kerk, Fulmer
Gerrit Marcus:
Stoke Poges
Gerrit Marcus:
Stoke Poges
Gerrit Marcus:
Carfax, Oxford
Gerrit Marcus:
Quartermen, Carfax, Oxford
Gerrit Marcus:
Bellenblazer, Cornmarket street, Oxford
Gerrit Marcus:
St Michaels, Oxford
Gerrit Marcus:
Panorama, Chirst Church College, Oxford
Gerrit Marcus:
Memorial Park Christ Church, Oxford
Gerrit Marcus:
Christ Church College, Oxford
Gerrit Marcus:
Memorial park Christ Church, Oxford
Gerrit Marcus:
Koeien, Christ Church Meadows, Oxford
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Isis (Thames) Oxford
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Gerrit Marcus:
Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford