in pastel: dominant blue stained glass window
in pastel: stained glass window
in pastel: dominant yellow stained glass
in pastel: from Synagogue
in pastel: more from Synagogue
in pastel: stained glass window
in pastel: butterfly magnet
in pastel: square shaped stained glass window
in pastel: at olde schoolhouse restaurant
in pastel: stain glass at Baycrest
in pastel: at Beth Sholom
in pastel: Tiberius in stained glass
in pastel: warm & cool colours in stained glass
in pastel: stained glass window re Jaffa
in pastel: Moses holding The Ten Commandments
in pastel: commerating the giving of the Law
in pastel: Shabat is the Bride
in pastel: King Solomon stained glass
in pastel: angels stained glass window
in pastel: stained glass window at Navy Pier
in pastel: lady with doves
in pastel: angel & mortal
in pastel: vintage landscape window
in pastel: another landscape