Grace for Today: Framed Receipt
Isaac Shaw: July 22nd, Day 18 Went up to New York to see a Celine Dion Concert Because Beck really likes her. When we got there at 7:00 P.M. we found out the concert was in the A.M. We ended up walking around and buying very bad shrimp. I was really glad the concert
Kindra Nikole: As We Are
Isaac Shaw: Day 6- Passion
Elizabeth Gadd: Find Your Roots
Kavan The Kid: "The Mountain and The Viper"
Elizabeth Gadd: The Misty Mountains Cold
Xist47: The Lake
Orione59: Lagger B&W
Michael Smith Imagery: Candle Light Christmas
Michael Smith Imagery: House Sparrow
Michael Smith Imagery: Carpenter Bee - Male
PatO fo Sho: back to the basics
Grace for Today: Changing Screen