fyberduck: Mac tuggling the leash
fyberduck: Rosco, king of the drying rack.
fyberduck: Cat in a bag.
fyberduck: What's that?
fyberduck: Imp cat.
fyberduck: Mac sleeping :)
fyberduck: He moved! (His head, anyway ;D)
fyberduck: Sofa dog in situ.
fyberduck: Cuddle cats.
fyberduck: Cat... in a blanket. And, no, I didn't put him in there.
fyberduck: Silly doggy sleeping.
fyberduck: Alexa & Tegan visit
fyberduck: Silly kitty sleeping in the dog's bed.
fyberduck: We've got one pooped doggy after a long visit to the dog park.
fyberduck: Purl's new favorite "bed" is the DVD player :-p
fyberduck: Uh oh. After an epic battle, someone lost possession of his bag.
fyberduck: Proving, once again, that all that expensive store-bought stuff (cat tree, I'm looking at you) is never, ever as good as ratty old painter's ladder that is older than I am.
fyberduck: Cuddle cats with a clean blankie :)
fyberduck: Lazy dog. I sat down next to him five minutes ago and he still hasn't moved :-p
fyberduck: You can almost hear her thinking, "silly human."
fyberduck: Pinned down by two kitties tonight. You'd never guess their momma was feral :)
fyberduck: Rosco's favorite place to sit... Mom's back.
fyberduck: Cat above... cat below... at least they're sharing :)
fyberduck: Two cats, sharing the dog's bed.
fyberduck: Cats!
fyberduck: What a handsome cat.
fyberduck: Miss Purl ain't coming out for nothing ;)
fyberduck: Well, st least someone is comfy :)
fyberduck: Forget LETTING the cat out of the bag, I can't GET her out it ;)
fyberduck: Mirror cats.