Fred Dawson: Common Garden Spider Araneus diadematus
Fred Dawson: Marsh Frog
Fred Dawson: Peacock Butterfly
Fred Dawson: Ruddy Darter
Fred Dawson: Spot the frog
Fred Dawson: Hummingbird Hawk Moth
Fred Dawson: Painted Lady - Butterfly
Fred Dawson: Short-Tailed Blue, Cupido argiades - Wetlands at Barnes, London, UK
Fred Dawson: Bee - Wetlands at Barnes, London, UK
Fred Dawson: Southern Oak Bush-cricket (Meconema meridionale),
Fred Dawson: Southern Oak Bush-cricket (Meconema meridionale),
Fred Dawson: Spider in the shower
Fred Dawson: Hover fly
Fred Dawson: Hover Flies
Fred Dawson: Gatekeeper butterfly ( Pyronia tithonus ) male
Fred Dawson: Peacock Inachis io
Fred Dawson: 5-spot Burnet Moth - Zygaena trifolii
Fred Dawson: Alien - Rhyssa Persuasoria
Fred Dawson: Green beetle Oedemera nobilis - male
Fred Dawson: Wasp spider, Argiope bruennichi
Fred Dawson: Catapillars attack
Fred Dawson: Scorpion Fly (Panorpa)
Fred Dawson: Aplocera efformata
Fred Dawson: Speckled Wood - pararge aegeria
Fred Dawson: Silver Studded Blue - plebejus argus
Fred Dawson: Green Bottle - Lucilia caesar
Fred Dawson: Hover Fly - family Syrphidae
Fred Dawson: Painted Lady - vanessa cardul