weno: @fzcamara hey, spread those video! :)
weno: we're human beans
weno: co-create, via @madebydesign #lecture #iad12
weno: lecture sketching @linuslord @hyperisland #iad12
weno: wireless brain connection
weno: smoked salmon FTW!!
weno: best Swedish food!
weno: sad, sad sink
weno: world bike web
weno: lovely kistch lunch
weno: spread hope
weno: "clean code is future" via @darrelwhitelaw
weno: "the art of pitching" by David Bell #fuckinggreat #lecture
weno: why do you like the sun?
weno: "mas o jardim fica onde mesmo?" :)
weno: nem o céu é um limite
weno: great inspiring lecture w/ Mary Lee Sjönell and Caroline Von Scheele
weno: even Bruce Lee likes kimchee
weno: roubando sobremesa alheia
weno: lançando estilo :) #bike fashion
weno: cykel do outro lado
weno: The Future of Digital Industry (worldwide) #hyperisland
weno: all we need is love
weno: Tsuru (RT this pls, more than 1000, a million times)
weno: it's all about sharing #hyperisland
weno: @mawa lecture! #brazil #hyperisland #iad12
weno: imagina montar um sofá do zero. IKEA #feelings
weno: Class Meeting II
weno: Class meeting I
weno: crayfish party FTW!