Ryan Forsythe: Uranium likes being petted
Ryan Forsythe: Playing with Chris's crazy flash
Ryan Forsythe: Chris is disgusted
Ryan Forsythe: Chris is sad
Ryan Forsythe: Chris is silly
Ryan Forsythe: K on the 20
Ryan Forsythe: Chris looking visionary
Ryan Forsythe: Totally ready to go really super fast
Ryan Forsythe: Chris bangs loud things
Ryan Forsythe: K in a conical hat (part one of a two-part series)
Ryan Forsythe: Cheap mask
Ryan Forsythe: K in a conical hat (part two of a two-part series)
Ryan Forsythe: Chris gives the little man a high-five
Ryan Forsythe: Bamboo
Ryan Forsythe: GOATHORSE
Ryan Forsythe: Soon-to-be-dead shrimp
Ryan Forsythe: Soon-to-be-dead fish
Ryan Forsythe: Press the button. Walk, little man, walk.
Ryan Forsythe: OMGWTFPHIL
Ryan Forsythe: They're so cute
Ryan Forsythe: Canadia-style Shirley Temple
Ryan Forsythe: The internet leaked on this wall
Ryan Forsythe: jump!
Ryan Forsythe: jump!!!
Ryan Forsythe: A terrible photobooth made us some terrible pictures