Triratna Photos: View from Budakoda - the Triratna Buddhist Centre in Tallin, Estonia
Triratna Photos: Shrine at Budakoda - the Triratna Buddhist Centre in Tallin, Estonia
Triratna Photos: Ordination at Budakoda - the Triratna Buddhist Centre in Tallin, Estonia
Triratna Photos: Dharma class at Budakoda - the Triratna Buddhist Centre in Tallin, Estonia
Triratna Photos: Budakoda retreat in Tallin, Estonia
Triratna Photos: Budakoda - the Triratna Buddhist Centre in Tallin, Estonia
Triratna Photos: Adhisthana - main building housing the men's community and the Urgyen Sangharakshita Annexe
Triratna Photos: x - the new Bio-Mass heating system
Triratna Photos: x - site of the new Shrine Room - one day!
Triratna Photos: The Willow sewage system - being made
Triratna Photos: x - the Reception Room during building works
Triratna Photos: View from window of men's community out over Adhistana's land
Triratna Photos: First event at Adhisthana - the ECA in August 2013
Triratna Photos: x - Library Building during conversion works
Triratna Photos: x - work begins on landscaping the grounds
Triratna Photos: x - shrine room during conversion works
Triratna Photos: The Willow sewage system - before planting
Triratna Photos: Sangharakshita's bell, brought from India and awaiting hanging in its new home
Triratna Photos: Refectory building at Adhisthana
Triratna Photos: Men's community building at Adhisthana
Triratna Photos: Library Building - looking to the land beyond
Triratna Photos: Adhisthana's Buddhas - 1 of 3, outside the women's community building
Triratna Photos: The Willow sewage system - a tour
Triratna Photos: Buddhas from around the world offered to the shrine at the Dedication Ceremony 2
Triratna Photos: Dedication flags hung in the Library building
Triratna Photos: Bhante's rupa offered during the Dedication Ceremony, in the Buddha's lap
Triratna Photos: Buddhas from around the world offered to the shrine at the Dedication Ceremony 3
Triratna Photos: Sunrise over adhisthana, by satyalila
Triratna Photos: Bhante painted by Enrique del Val in Australia
Triratna Photos: Welcome to the Present Moment