fvrt birdwhen yu sing: one | 365 - blue
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: two | 365 - cheiloproclitic
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: three | 365 - ximelolagnia
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: four | 365 - tarantism
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: five | 365 - strikhedonia
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: six | 365 - dactylion
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: seven | 365 - okay i believe you, but my tommy gun don't
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: eight | 365 - glowing
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: nine | 365 - floccinaucinihilipilification
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: ten | 365 - give me a laundry list, and i'll set it to music
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: eleven | 365 - I live for the nights I can't remember, with the people I'll never forget.
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: twelve | 365 - girls just wanna have fun
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: thirteen | 365 - death from studying (lalochezia)
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: fourteen | 365 - she's so vain
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: fifteen | 365 - dactylonomy
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: sixteen | 365 - unpolished
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: seventeen | 365 - blur (misocapnist)
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: eighteen | 365 - scrimshanker
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: nineteen | 365 - krukolibidinous
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: twenty | 365 - gambrinous
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: twenty one | 365 - cautelous
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: twenty two | 365 - capernoited
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: twenty three | 365 - gargalesthesia
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: twenty four | 365 - nelipot
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: twenty five | 365 - qualtagh
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: twenty six | 365 - cancatervate
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: twenty seven | 365 - graph·o·lagnia
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: twenty eight | 365
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: twenty nine | 365
fvrt birdwhen yu sing: thirty | 365