fuzzy_Jeff: The bench
fuzzy_Jeff: The hoop
fuzzy_Jeff: The dock.
fuzzy_Jeff: Reflections...
fuzzy_Jeff: No swimming please...
fuzzy_Jeff: Fisheye fall.
fuzzy_Jeff: Showing off for the fans...
fuzzy_Jeff: He spotted me...
fuzzy_Jeff: "Working class" nest.
fuzzy_Jeff: Hanging out.
fuzzy_Jeff: I see you...
fuzzy_Jeff: On the bank...
fuzzy_Jeff: Extend???
fuzzy_Jeff: Catchy colors.
fuzzy_Jeff: IMGP0079-38
fuzzy_Jeff: IMGP0078-36
fuzzy_Jeff: Hangin' out.
fuzzy_Jeff: Ann Van Middleworth Fountain
fuzzy_Jeff: Can you say blue?
fuzzy_Jeff: The bench.
fuzzy_Jeff: The sign.
fuzzy_Jeff: A flower.