fuzzyjay: The artist and his Jell-O
fuzzyjay: The artist and his Jell-O
fuzzyjay: IMG_4754
fuzzyjay: IMG_4756
fuzzyjay: IMG_4757
fuzzyjay: IMG_4765
fuzzyjay: IMG_4766
fuzzyjay: IMG_4769
fuzzyjay: David G.
fuzzyjay: Wayne and David G.
fuzzyjay: Scott and David G.
fuzzyjay: David G.
fuzzyjay: Jay and David G.
fuzzyjay: Randy and David
fuzzyjay: Randy and David
fuzzyjay: Randy and David
fuzzyjay: David, David, Jeer
fuzzyjay: David and David
fuzzyjay: David, David G., Joshua, Jeer
fuzzyjay: David and Brad
fuzzyjay: David G. and Brad
fuzzyjay: Meta Instagram
fuzzyjay: David sees something interesting on the iPhone
fuzzyjay: IMG_0912
fuzzyjay: IMG_0913
fuzzyjay: Peaceful corner of David's yarden.