fuzzyjay: Young Helen and Butchy
fuzzyjay: Mom on a small bicycle
fuzzyjay: Jay and baby Asa
fuzzyjay: Jay and Levi
fuzzyjay: Jay at Longwood Gardens
fuzzyjay: Out at the restaurant
fuzzyjay: 1996 version of me
fuzzyjay: Kathleen in 1993
fuzzyjay: Scene from my 35th birthday party
fuzzyjay: 1991 version of me (age 33)
fuzzyjay: Mom and her 4 sisters (1994)
fuzzyjay: Tutor and Beth (1994)
fuzzyjay: Jay beardless
fuzzyjay: Levi sweater
fuzzyjay: 2009_02_10_21_12_19
fuzzyjay: a hexxxy
fuzzyjay: asdf
fuzzyjay: braidy
fuzzyjay: cumquat
fuzzyjay: davada
fuzzyjay: dkkkkks
fuzzyjay: fdsafdsa
fuzzyjay: FJFJF
fuzzyjay: hesmmmk
fuzzyjay: hexy
fuzzyjay: kumquat
fuzzyjay: LAERS
fuzzyjay: my goodness
fuzzyjay: STARDAVID
fuzzyjay: SOMETNI