futursimple: There are lots of great things that start with the letter K
futursimple: pink milk
futursimple: Beware, evil-doers, wherever you are!
futursimple: Beware, evil-doers, wherever you are!
futursimple: sending out the Apple signal
futursimple: caped avengers moonlight by giving cape sewing lessons
futursimple: sidekick him
futursimple: quit standing around, there are problems to be solved
futursimple: Stupendous Man meets his nemesis, the sinister Dr. Horrible
futursimple: so many superheroes to destroy, so many cunning plans to accomplish this with
futursimple: leaping at Babysitter Girl
futursimple: i do not profess to know what is going on in this picture
futursimple: Sass Royalty
futursimple: Ivy's cooties temporarily overwhelm the usually sharp senses of Stupendous Man
futursimple: i could live in a world that's under their watchful eye...
futursimple: gypsy pirates and shibuya girls
futursimple: freckles and wrestlers
futursimple: incredible 'do
futursimple: here's looking at you, rabbit ears
futursimple: a moment of pause before getting back to solving the world's thirst problems
futursimple: leafy golden apollonic Gen
futursimple: Calvin could not have foreseen this development
futursimple: incognito superheroes before phonebooth
futursimple: the beast will spare, erm, protect the lives of a few tasty morsels, erm, damsels in distress
futursimple: first we rope 'em in...
futursimple: but i have even better uses for this rope...
futursimple: wonder of wonders, it fits the part just right.
futursimple: Nutrient Wars: The Carrot battles Poison Ivy over a beer
futursimple: eugoogleize this
futursimple: 'tis but a feathery smudge--these superbeings don't run