futursimple: pink petal spokes
futursimple: just another blasé Earth Day bike route
futursimple: Earth Day. West End. Pink snow.
futursimple: three steeds, steady as they go
futursimple: Kunaka was one of the tightest musical sets in recent memory
futursimple: Josowyn prepping the park for the upcoming Vancouver Folk Music Festival
futursimple: the Morning After Crew faces the Earth Day wind at Jericho Beach
futursimple: he knows who FFD is, so he's OK
futursimple: squinty sunshine shot
futursimple: Karen's typical nonchalant, even slightly bemused, takedown
futursimple: under the shadow of the clear and ever present Knückle
futursimple: Karen Pitkethly casts a flamenco spell
futursimple: the signature crossed wrists of flamenco
futursimple: Karen of KarenFlamenco.com takes flight
futursimple: I summon the power of the Easter Island PA and hereby smite your deceptive little-girl incarnation!
futursimple: Earth Day audience
futursimple: twin bare knuckle practice round
futursimple: this is harder than it looks
futursimple: never thought of doing it that way
futursimple: hello, adore me, i am fabulous, bisous, bisous...
futursimple: cutie about to get run over by a car doing a u-turn
futursimple: Earth Day2008 @ Jericho Beach Park