futurestreet: Before a trip outside
futurestreet: Hesitant
futurestreet: Yay, sleeping baby!
futurestreet: In sleep sack
futurestreet: Huge bib
futurestreet: Huge bib
futurestreet: Playful
futurestreet: Playful
futurestreet: Laughing
futurestreet: Sleeping
futurestreet: Let's turn down the lights
futurestreet: Mik and Charlie
futurestreet: I couldn't resist :)
futurestreet: Little pasja
futurestreet: Waking up and stretching
futurestreet: Kisses
futurestreet: Family
futurestreet: Family
futurestreet: Saturday morning
futurestreet: Charlie's ambitious socio-economic project
futurestreet: The sleep of the inncocent
futurestreet: Upside down tut
futurestreet: Finger in mouth
futurestreet: Wait a minute, it's on the tip of my tongue...
futurestreet: Sleeping in the car
futurestreet: Sleeping in the car + papa
futurestreet: Nice cat
futurestreet: A cafe on Commercial Drive (I forget the name)
futurestreet: Cafe on Commercial Drive
futurestreet: Awake and amazed in car seat