future15pic: Gramp, Uncle and Boy
future15pic: Wet leaf
future15pic: Leaf Droplets and a lamp post
future15pic: Wet leaf on black
future15pic: Leaf dropplets
future15pic: Hey it's chilly this fall
future15pic: Cute in his bear coat
future15pic: Here's some bark
future15pic: Uncle J on the jungle gym
future15pic: Proud Grampa
future15pic: Don't fall over
future15pic: Fall Grandparents Visit - sliding down
future15pic: Uncle J takes a dive
future15pic: Uncle J looking after the boy
future15pic: Walking with the family
future15pic: Sycamore Tree Bark Abstract
future15pic: Sycamore Tree Bark Abstract
future15pic: Sycamore Tree Bark Abstract
future15pic: Sycamore Tree Bark Abstract
future15pic: He's runnin
future15pic: Boy and fallen leaves
future15pic: Running through the wet leaves
future15pic: Fall Grandparents Visit
future15pic: Bear Coat
future15pic: North Ridge Farm in Greenspring Valley
future15pic: North Ridge Farm in Greenspring Valley
future15pic: North Ridge Farm in Greenspring Valley
future15pic: North Ridge Farm in Greenspring Valley
future15pic: North Ridge Farm in Greenspring Valley
future15pic: North Ridge Farm in Greenspring Valley