Future of Local Media: Packed House
Future of Local Media: Phil Thomas Di Giulio pegging video of the speakers
Future of Local Media: Mike Schneider, VP, Director Digital Incubator, Allen & Gerritsen
Future of Local Media: Mark Ghuneim, CEO, WiredSet / Trendrr
Future of Local Media: Joshua Karp, Digital Media Manager, PepsiCo
Future of Local Media: Erick Schonfeld, Co-Editor, Techcrunch
Future of Local Media: Ian Schafer, CEO, DeepFocus
Future of Local Media: Audience Q&A
Future of Local Media: B. Bonin Bough, Global Dir. of Digital & Social Media - PepsiCo
Future of Local Media: Filmmaker, Jesse Gebryel capturing the live panel
Future of Local Media: Jason Keath, Founder of @SoFresh
Future of Local Media: Ian Spalter, Executive Creative Director, Mobile & Emerging Platforms, R/GA
Future of Local Media: #futureoflocal Tweets