My reflection: She's not the messiah, she's just a very naughty girl!
My reflection: The observer
My reflection: Mercenary
My reflection: The Lady wore Red
My reflection: Flee you fools!
My reflection: Smiling
My reflection: Really?
My reflection: Fight club
My reflection: Holy mission
My reflection: Man of the hour
My reflection: Spotted
My reflection: The Sherrif is in town
My reflection: What have they done to my beautiful game????
My reflection: I wasn't born yesterday you know!
My reflection: Blessing
My reflection: Not best pleased
My reflection: Pick your rose
My reflection: Comfort blanket
My reflection: Pensive squire
My reflection: Unspoken thoughts
My reflection: Blood and cheese
My reflection: They did what?!
My reflection: Hmm....
My reflection: A lady under siege
My reflection: Reasoning