futileboy: DSC02261
futileboy: Gift to the YMCA
futileboy: DSC02275
futileboy: DSC02276
futileboy: DSC02277
futileboy: DSC02278
futileboy: DSC02279
futileboy: DSC02280
futileboy: DSC02281
futileboy: DSC02282
futileboy: DSC02286
futileboy: DSC02291
futileboy: SkinIt Samples
futileboy: DSC02295
futileboy: DSC02302
futileboy: DSC02303
futileboy: DSC02306
futileboy: justin bieber using the surface
futileboy: IMG_0630
futileboy: And we're open!
futileboy: Store opening
futileboy: Crowds gathering at MV Microsoft store