Fusion for Energy: Outside view of the cryoplant, with the tanks manufactured in Europe in the foreground, and the Tokamak complex in the background. January 2025. ©ITER Organization
Fusion for Energy: Outside view of the cryobridge and the cryoplant buildings. January 2025. ©ITER Organization
Fusion for Energy: A set of valves of the ITER Leak Detection System, mounted on the seismic test table before shaking. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: A meeting of the TBM Project team, with members from ITER Organization, F4E and Korean DA. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: The equipment has been arranged in 17 blue cabinets, a common feature with other ITER electronic control systems. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: F4E, ITER Organization and IDOM teams during tests of the feedthrough alignment tools at the premises of IDOM in Spain. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: IDOM tested the alignment procedure with an ITER port mock-up. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: Europe's first ITER Vacuum Vessel Sector reaches the ITER site, Cadarache, October 2024 ©DAHER
Fusion for Energy: Technician from AVS stands next to the MITICA electrostatic residual ion dump. ©AVS
Fusion for Energy: The neutraliser will remove the electrical charge of the accelerated ions. ©Consorzio RFX
Fusion for Energy: The neutraliser, manufactured by AVS-Tecnalia for F4E, will remove the electrical charge of the particles. ©AVS
Fusion for Energy: Caption: Cleaning Europe’s ITER Vacuum Vessel sector 5, provided by F4E in collaboration with Ansaldo, Westinghouse, Walter Tosto (AMW) consortium, Monfalcone, August 2024. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: Caption: Cleaning Europe’s ITER Vacuum Vessel sector 5, provided by F4E in collaboration with Ansaldo, Westinghouse, Walter Tosto (AMW) consortium, Monfalcone, August 2024. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: Caption: Cleaning Europe’s ITER Vacuum Vessel sector 5, provided by F4E in collaboration with Ansaldo, Westinghouse, Walter Tosto (AMW) consortium, Monfalcone, August 2024. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: Caption: Completion of Europe’s ITER Vacuum Vessel sector 5, provided by F4E in collaboration with Ansaldo, Mangiarotti/Westinghouse, Walter Tosto, Monfalcone, August 2024. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: Caption: Inspecting Europe’s ITER Vacuum Vessel sector 5, provided by F4E in collaboration with Ansaldo, Westinghouse, Walter Tosto (AMW) consortium, Monfalcone, August 2024. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: Caption: Inspecting Europe’s ITER Vacuum Vessel sector 5, provided by F4E in collaboration with Ansaldo, Westinghouse, Walter Tosto (AMW) consortium, Monfalcone, August 2024. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: Caption: Cleaning Europe’s ITER Vacuum Vessel sector 5, provided by F4E in collaboration with Ansaldo, Westinghouse, Walter Tosto (AMW) consortium, Monfalcone, August 2024. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: Caption: Caption: Cleaning Europe’s ITER Vacuum Vessel sector 5, provided by F4E in collaboration with Ansaldo, Westinghouse, Walter Tosto (AMW) consortium, Monfalcone, August 2024. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: Caption: Completion of Europe’s ITER Vacuum Vessel sector 5, provided by F4E in collaboration with Ansaldo, Westinghouse, Walter Tosto (AMW) consortium, Monfalcone, August 2024. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: Caption: View from above of Europe’s ITER Vacuum Vessel sector 5, provided by F4E in collaboration with Ansaldo, Westinghouse, Walter Tosto (AMW) consortium, Monfalcone, August 2024. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: Caption: Cleaning Europe’s ITER Vacuum Vessel sector 5, provided by F4E in collaboration with Ansaldo, Westinghouse, Walter Tosto (AMW) consortium, Monfalcone, August 2024. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: Caption: Performing final inspections on Europe’s ITER Vacuum Vessel sector 5, provided by F4E in collaboration with Ansaldo, Westinghouse, Walter Tosto (AMW) consortium, Monfalcone, August 2024. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: Caption: Cleaning Europe’s ITER Vacuum Vessel sector 5, provided by F4E in collaboration with Ansaldo, Westinghouse, Walter Tosto (AMW) consortium, Monfalcone, August 2024. ©F4E
Fusion for Energy: F4E Metrology experts inspecting the IVT prototype by Alsymex. April 2024. ©Alsymex
Fusion for Energy: The successful Inner Vertical Target prototype paves the way for series production by Alsymex. March 2024 ©Alsymex
Fusion for Energy: On stage during the ceremony the ITER Director-General, the Director of F4E and President of QST, handing out the recognition certificates to the managers of the teams involved in the production of the TF coils, July 2024. ©ITER Organization
Fusion for Energy: (L-R) Pietro Barabaschi, Director-General of ITER Organization during a guided tour in the ITER Assembly Hall with Italy’s, Minister for Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, July 2024. ©ITER Organization
Fusion for Energy: (L-R) Alessandro Bonito-Oliva, Head of Tokamak Programme of ITER Organization, receiving the recognition certificate by the F4E Director, Marc Lachaise at the TF coils ceremony, July 2024. ©ITER Organization
Fusion for Energy: Shipment of EUROFER97 steel in Busan, Korea. June 2023. ©ITER Korea