fushmush: 7:11 Waking up Daddy
fushmush: 8:11 Breakfast, coffee and editing photos
fushmush: 9:11 Making Mars Bar slice
fushmush: 10:11 Off to hang out with MGroup
fushmush: 11:11 Magic Yellow Bus
fushmush: 12:11 On the way home for a nap
fushmush: 13:11 Sewing while Evie naps
fushmush: 14:11 Evie is still napping so I'm still sewing
fushmush: 15:11 Hanging out the laundry
fushmush: 16:11 Putting away the laundry
fushmush: 17:11 Cat nap for Evie
fushmush: 19:11 Asleep