Masa_N: Now, it's summer!
Masa_N: How sweet it is...
Masa_N: Sweet and dreamy
Masa_N: Our season
Masa_N: Gonna land on that flower...
Masa_N: Flyin'
Masa_N: A moment of pleasure
Masa_N: Love afterglow
Masa_N: Holly blue
Masa_N: In front of a white flower
Masa_N: Staying on a white flower
Masa_N: Big appetite
Masa_N: Movin' on
Masa_N: Gazing eyes
Masa_N: How sweet it is...
Masa_N: I'm hovering, ready to go!
Masa_N: Indian Fritillary
Masa_N: I love nectar
Masa_N: Unfirm foothold
Masa_N: Bridging between flowers
Masa_N: Long feet, long antennae
Masa_N: Rock solid stance on a leaf --- DSC-RX100 test shot
Masa_N: Blue eyes
Masa_N: Synchronized sucking duo
Masa_N: Curl your straw!
Masa_N: The rejected love
Masa_N: Now, I've got to my place...
Masa_N: Compound eyes
Masa_N: Somewhere to cling
Masa_N: Walking on flowers