furrycelt: winter in Bottom Creek Gorge 4
furrycelt: winter in Bottom Creek Gorge 5
furrycelt: winter in Bottom Creek Gorge 6
furrycelt: winter in Bottom Creek Gorge 3
furrycelt: winter in Bottom Creek Gorge 2
furrycelt: winter in Bottom Creek Gorge 1
furrycelt: Oct2016 South Mtn State Park 5
furrycelt: Oct2016 South Mtn State Park 3
furrycelt: Oct2016 South Mtn State Park 4
furrycelt: Oct2016 South Mtn State Park 2
furrycelt: Oct2016 South Mtn State Park 1
furrycelt: mark of humans along the Catawba 6
furrycelt: mark of humans along the Catawba 7
furrycelt: mark of humans along the Catawba 8
furrycelt: mark of humans along the Catawba 4
furrycelt: mark of humans along the Catawba 5
furrycelt: mark of humans along the Catawba 1
furrycelt: mark of humans along the Catawba 2
furrycelt: mark of humans along the Catawba 3
furrycelt: walking along the Catawba River 8
furrycelt: walking along the Catawba River 9
furrycelt: walking along the Catawba River 6
furrycelt: walking along the Catawba River 7
furrycelt: walking along the Catawba River 2
furrycelt: walking along the Catawba River 3
furrycelt: walking along the Catawba River 4
furrycelt: walking along the Catawba River 5
furrycelt: walking along the Catawba River 1
furrycelt: Catawba River flows, a b&w study 16
furrycelt: Catawba River flows, a b&w study 13