Furia Rubel: Welcome to Furia Rubel's SWAT event
Furia Rubel: Important take-away information on Women's Safety
Furia Rubel: Furia Rubel making it easy to take notes at our SWAT event
Furia Rubel: Two fingers jammed into the soft tissue at the base of the assailant's throat will stop them short.
Furia Rubel: If you're attacked in your home, products commonly found there come in handy. For instance, hairspray in-the-eyes will stop anyone short.
Furia Rubel: If you're grabbed from behind, pin down the assailant's elbow.
Furia Rubel: Go for the soft tissue!
Furia Rubel: Attendees paying close attention and taking notes on how to be safe.
Furia Rubel: Come up from underneath, not with a fist, but with the heal of your hand.
Furia Rubel: Use your fist like a sledgehammer, coming down using the outside of your fist.
Furia Rubel: These techniques also work for guys - being safe is not only for women
Furia Rubel: Master Vince Melchiorre begins explaining to attendees some of the information he'll share during the event
Furia Rubel: Gina Rubel thanks everyone for attending.
Furia Rubel: Furia Rubel team after the SWAT event