funnysnuggler: robb said...
funnysnuggler: robb getting ready
funnysnuggler: 3 m1 garands
funnysnuggler: all suited up
funnysnuggler: dad standing
funnysnuggler: standing
funnysnuggler: dad and his "new" garand
funnysnuggler: robb again with his garand
funnysnuggler: robb and his garand
funnysnuggler: fire away!
funnysnuggler: if this was a "bad guy"...
funnysnuggler: all set!
funnysnuggler: loading the .45
funnysnuggler: he got ahold of my camera
funnysnuggler: robb shooting the .45
funnysnuggler: uh oh...
funnysnuggler: 12 gauge shells
funnysnuggler: the right to bare/bear arms (hehe)
funnysnuggler: getting ready
funnysnuggler: me again with my 20
funnysnuggler: me and my 20
funnysnuggler: robb shooting again
funnysnuggler: robb shooting
funnysnuggler: ready, aim, fire!
funnysnuggler: nothing's better than....
funnysnuggler: loading
funnysnuggler: throwing pigeons for boss
funnysnuggler: my element at the range