brucexxit: ice wall
brucexxit: stuck iceberg
brucexxit: weddel seal
brucexxit: seal
brucexxit: antarctic crevasses
brucexxit: tethys bay, antarctica
brucexxit: yawning
brucexxit: washington
brucexxit: rookery
brucexxit: catabatic
brucexxit: cauldron
brucexxit: washington
brucexxit: reeves-&-david (clik if U wanna see it at full resolution)
brucexxit: rest
brucexxit: antarctica
brucexxit: horgan pipe
brucexxit: under the glacier over the sea
brucexxit: adelia penguins
brucexxit: nunatak over reeves glacier
brucexxit: dimensions
brucexxit: Erebus Antatctica
brucexxit: reeves
brucexxit: antarctica 2013
brucexxit: mount neumayer (antarctica)
brucexxit: now i understand why is called "hells gate"
brucexxit: melboune (mount)
brucexxit: Mt. Erebus
brucexxit: mount melbourne
brucexxit: erebus