funkypiks: Khayam, Frontside Crailslide
funkypiks: Kris,melon @BLV
funkypiks: Simon, FS nosegrab @ Paris
funkypiks: Christophe, Frontside Ollie @Bois le roi
funkypiks: David, backside grind nose grab
funkypiks: Laurent, front 5-o over the pool step
funkypiks: Mathis, Backside air,Crolles
funkypiks: Nico, sad @ bowl de la muette
funkypiks: Laurent, Smithgrind
funkypiks: Tibs Parise, one foot @ Montévrain
funkypiks: Laurent, Crailslide
funkypiks: Eric, Frontside air @BLV
funkypiks: Simon, Smith grind over the step @Magny
funkypiks: Christophe, Frontside nose grind @ Melun
funkypiks: Christophe, melon @ Melun