AlisonWonderland.Photography: a small step for man, one giant step for small boy with a fish on his bottom!
AlisonWonderland.Photography: self portrait by Rhi aged 5
AlisonWonderland.Photography: when will it stop raining?
AlisonWonderland.Photography: The joys of encaustic art
AlisonWonderland.Photography: St Davids Day - waiting
AlisonWonderland.Photography: don't let any escape!
AlisonWonderland.Photography: ...and in she goes!
AlisonWonderland.Photography: arabesque in Daddy's wellies!
AlisonWonderland.Photography: ballet in the garden.....wearing her fathers wellies!!!
AlisonWonderland.Photography: Picking daisies with her toes
AlisonWonderland.Photography: admiring her find
AlisonWonderland.Photography: He loves me....he loves me not........
AlisonWonderland.Photography: watching the fish
AlisonWonderland.Photography: That's what they're for!!!
AlisonWonderland.Photography: this looks like a good place to study my daisy!
AlisonWonderland.Photography: Before there was digital......
AlisonWonderland.Photography: End of a lovely day