Funky Clarence: Mauritius For Nella 339
Funky Clarence: Bubbyanne
Funky Clarence: "Bubbyanne's the name, doggin's the game."
Funky Clarence: On the nose
Funky Clarence: Puppy love
Funky Clarence: Bubby soaks up the sun
Funky Clarence: First position
Funky Clarence: A faint waft of chicken breezed by Bubby.
Funky Clarence: Mol in the water
Funky Clarence: Bubbyanne
Funky Clarence: "Oi love me mum."
Funky Clarence: Ol' Stupid
Funky Clarence: "The name's Bubbyanne"
Funky Clarence: Bubby love
Funky Clarence: Bubby love
Funky Clarence: Bubby fun
Funky Clarence: And so they lay, gazing at each other in adoration.
Funky Clarence: Claire and Laika
Funky Clarence: with bubbyanne.jpg