highluxphoto: South West Ridge, Mt Aspiring.
highluxphoto: Pigeon Spire, Bugaboos, BC.
highluxphoto: Talbots Ladder, Homer Saddle, Fiordland.
highluxphoto: Cheval, West Ridge of Malte Brun, Mt Cook.
highluxphoto: Macpherson snowfield, Fiordland.
highluxphoto: Homer Saddle, Milford Road, Fiordland.
highluxphoto: Climber silhouetted against Mt Sabre, Darran Mountains.
highluxphoto: Crossing Barrier snowfield, Darran Mountains.
highluxphoto: West Ridge, Pigeon Spire, BC.
highluxphoto: Camp above the Tasman Glacier.
highluxphoto: Cheval pitch, Malte Brun, Mt Cook.
highluxphoto: Snowpatch Spire, Bugaboos, BC.
highluxphoto: Climber on the West Ridge of Malte Brun.
highluxphoto: Darran Mountains camp.
highluxphoto: Low Peak of Mt Rolleston.
highluxphoto: Gertrude Saddle, Darran Mountains.
highluxphoto: Summit Ridge, Mt Rolleston.
highluxphoto: Upper Gertrude Valley from Mt Talbot.