funkaoshi: Batucada Playing on Bloor
funkaoshi: A Small Crowd Watching Batucada Play
funkaoshi: Michael and J.P.
funkaoshi: Heading Down Bloor
funkaoshi: And They Are Off
funkaoshi: A Vine Person
funkaoshi: A Vine Person
funkaoshi: Michael and a Vine Person
funkaoshi: Clean Bloor
funkaoshi: Clean Bloor
funkaoshi: The Base of Operations
funkaoshi: Bloor
funkaoshi: Chris Gallop
funkaoshi: A Family and a Biker
funkaoshi: Cleaning up
funkaoshi: J.P. and Ann
funkaoshi: Bruce and Dyan
funkaoshi: Dyan and J.P.
funkaoshi: A DigIn Posse
funkaoshi: The Band Heading Back
funkaoshi: The Band Approaches
funkaoshi: The Band
funkaoshi: Lots of Beer
funkaoshi: The Vine People
funkaoshi: The Base of Operations
funkaoshi: Music and Dancing
funkaoshi: Watching the Band