JamesAnok || ThetaState: Blunt instrument
JamesAnok || ThetaState: And on your left...
JamesAnok || ThetaState: Very bright LED overheads
JamesAnok || ThetaState: On approach to BOS
JamesAnok || ThetaState: Splash aftermath
JamesAnok || ThetaState: Another snowy day in Boston
JamesAnok || ThetaState: Bright in Boston!
JamesAnok || ThetaState: Blue before the storm
JamesAnok || ThetaState: Bye bye Boston. C U in Feb
JamesAnok || ThetaState: Snow covered tunnel home
JamesAnok || ThetaState: Without the edge, no definition would be possible, and all, everything, would return to dust.
JamesAnok || ThetaState: Superduperbowl wasteland
JamesAnok || ThetaState: The ice storm shot bullets into the turbo prop, it was as if a million pachinko balls were loosed upon the fuselage.
JamesAnok || ThetaState: My Boston office
JamesAnok || ThetaState: Dodge, thou doth protest too much
JamesAnok || ThetaState: Boston Aquarium - bay facing pavilion
JamesAnok || ThetaState: The line runs through us all