fungalhorde: floor mosaic
fungalhorde: column detail: gears and marbles cause why not
fungalhorde: roof bus!
fungalhorde: precarious!
fungalhorde: one of many planes you can climb on and through
fungalhorde: actual castle turret, and walkways
fungalhorde: view of airplane and various walkways
fungalhorde: iron turret
fungalhorde: outdoor insanity!
fungalhorde: visual cacophony!
fungalhorde: puffer fish!
fungalhorde: outdoor sculpturey thing
fungalhorde: stingray!
fungalhorde: inappropriate turtles!
fungalhorde: main entrance room
fungalhorde: whale sculpture, main entrance room
fungalhorde: poor elvis
fungalhorde: roof branches
fungalhorde: looking down through a grate on the 4th floor
fungalhorde: proof they ate corn dogs in ancient egypt
fungalhorde: pinball arcade
fungalhorde: handprint!
fungalhorde: beautifully detailed pediment
fungalhorde: decorative carving
fungalhorde: eagle sculpture and decorative medallions
fungalhorde: beautiful pediment with eagle medallion detail
fungalhorde: interior detail: wrought iron elevator
fungalhorde: iron grating
fungalhorde: decorative metal grating
fungalhorde: decorative metal grating and various other pieces