fung1981: 新立法會綜合大樓 Mew LegCo Complex
fung1981: 新立法會綜合大樓 Mew LegCo Complex
fung1981: IMG_3314
fung1981: IMG_3315
fung1981: 1900年至1985年立法會大樓歷史 History of the LegCo Building 1900 - 1985
fung1981: IMG_3317
fung1981: IMG_3318
fung1981: IMG_3319
fung1981: IMG_3320
fung1981: 1996年至2008年立法機關簡史 Brief History of the Legislature
fung1981: 1843年至1995年立法機關簡史 Brief History of the Legislature 1843 to 1995
fung1981: IMG_3323
fung1981: 中銀大廈 Bank of China Tower
fung1981: 中銀大廈 Bank of China Tower
fung1981: IMG_3345
fung1981: IMG_3346
fung1981: IMG_3349
fung1981: IMG_3350
fung1981: IMG_3351
fung1981: IMG_3352
fung1981: IMG_3353