Fundingo: 24th March '08: Our Allotment
Fundingo: 13th April '08: Rain at the Allotment
Fundingo: 14th April '08: Beetroot
Fundingo: 27th April '08: Go away
Fundingo: 5th May '08: Beginning to grow
Fundingo: 8th June 2008: This is no ordinary strawberry..
Fundingo: 5th July 2008: The harvest begins
Fundingo: 9th August 2008: Produce
Fundingo: 13th August 2008: Yet more chutneys
Fundingo: 7th September 2008: Runner Bean Mountain
Fundingo: 15th September 2008: Boiled Beetroot
Fundingo: 92/365.2 Sunset down the Plot
Fundingo: 106/365.2 Pots
Fundingo: 115/365.2 One day I'll be a tomato
Fundingo: 154/365.2 Green Beans
Fundingo: 211/365.2 Allotment