fundaluk: Roman Catholic Church, Nyíracsád, Hungary
fundaluk: Bike road signs
fundaluk: Abandoned locomotive in the forest
fundaluk: Greek Catholic Church, Nyíradony, Hungary
fundaluk: Church of Assumption, Miskolc, Hungary
fundaluk: Airport Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary
fundaluk: Greek Catholic Church, Nyíracsád, Hungary
fundaluk: Reformed Church, Nyíracsád, Hungary
fundaluk: DSCF0293
fundaluk: Umbrellas nr. 1
fundaluk: Reformed Church, Bagamér, Hungary
fundaluk: Main Eastern Canal (Keleti főcsatorna)
fundaluk: Church tower in Bagamér, Hungary
fundaluk: Földes Ferenc High School, Miskolc, Hungary
fundaluk: Umbrellas nr. 2
fundaluk: Bell House, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary
fundaluk: Church Tower, Nyíradony, Hungary
fundaluk: Reformed Church, Bihartorda, Hungary
fundaluk: Berettyó river at Bakonszeg, Hungary
fundaluk: Golden and blue (explored 2020.08.24.)
fundaluk: Church door Bagamér, Hungary
fundaluk: Reformed Church, Vámospércs, Hungary
fundaluk: The interior of the church, Vámospércs, Hungary
fundaluk: The Holy Bible
fundaluk: Red and green
fundaluk: Heroes' Square, Miskolc, Hungary
fundaluk: Flower pot on the street
fundaluk: Bocskai István Gimnázium, Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary
fundaluk: Bocskai Square, Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary
fundaluk: Windows