fundaluk: Observatory of Sunphysics, Debrecen
fundaluk: AGORA Science Center, Debrecen (explored 2020.06.17.)
fundaluk: Summer colors
fundaluk: Frogs' Lake, Debrecen
fundaluk: AGORA Science Center, Debrecen
fundaluk: Two lonely trees
fundaluk: Duck in the water 2.
fundaluk: Old house in the forest
fundaluk: Bird feeder Nr. 231
fundaluk: Botanical Garden, Debrecen
fundaluk: Bird feeder Nr. 246
fundaluk: Life Science Building, Debrecen University
fundaluk: Small plants
fundaluk: Debrecen, Botanical Garden
fundaluk: No smoking!
fundaluk: Observatory of Sunphysics, Debrecen
fundaluk: Glass wall
fundaluk: Debrecen, Botanical Garden
fundaluk: AGORA Science Center, Debrecen
fundaluk: Debrecen, Botanical Garden
fundaluk: Poppy
fundaluk: Debrecen, Békás tó / Frogs' Lake
fundaluk: Debrecen, University
fundaluk: Debrecen, Békás tó / Frogs' Lake
fundaluk: Facade of the University, Debrecen
fundaluk: Duck in the water
fundaluk: Debrecen, University
fundaluk: Summer is coming again
fundaluk: Fountain at the Palace of Culture, Iași, Romania
fundaluk: Waiting for the green light