fundaluk: Debrecen, Nagytemplom
fundaluk: DSCF2855
fundaluk: DSCF2862
fundaluk: DSCF2842
fundaluk: DSCF2849
fundaluk: DSCF2809 copy
fundaluk: DSCF2807 copy
fundaluk: DSCF2806 copy
fundaluk: Old Tram in Debrecen
fundaluk: Wood carving, Debrecen
fundaluk: Wood carving, Debrecen
fundaluk: Debrecen, Celebrating Hungarian Revolution of 1848
fundaluk: Debrecen, Tram and the Big Church
fundaluk: Debrecen, Celebrating Hungarian Revolution of 1848
fundaluk: Debrecen, Celebrating Hungarian Revolution of 1848
fundaluk: Debrecen, Old Tram
fundaluk: Szent István bazilika, Budapest
fundaluk: Budapest
fundaluk: Zorki 10 camera
fundaluk: Szent István bazilika, Budapest
fundaluk: Budapest
fundaluk: Old car in the Buda castle, Budapest
fundaluk: Quarz 2M camera
fundaluk: Nagyerdő, Debrecen
fundaluk: Budapest from the castle (explored 2016.10.28.)
fundaluk: My old Smena 8M
fundaluk: Nagyerdő, Debrecen
fundaluk: Quarz 2M camera
fundaluk: Budapest
fundaluk: My old machines