fundaluk: Debrecen, Városháza
fundaluk: Debrecen, Városháza
fundaluk: Debrecen, Csokonai színház
fundaluk: Debrecen, old truck from the revolution in 1956
fundaluk: Debrecen, old truck from the revolution in 1956
fundaluk: Debrecen, Nagytemplom
fundaluk: Debrecen, Főtér
fundaluk: Debrecen, Főtér
fundaluk: SAM_0533 copy
fundaluk: Balaton, Siófok
fundaluk: Balaton, Siófok
fundaluk: SAM_0545_panorama
fundaluk: SAM_0540 copy
fundaluk: SAM_0539 copy
fundaluk: SAM_0534 copy
fundaluk: SAM_0531 copy
fundaluk: SAM_0527 copy
fundaluk: Frozen lake in Nagyerdő, Debrecen
fundaluk: Nagyerdő, Debrecen
fundaluk: University, Debrecen
fundaluk: Statue at the University, Debrecen
fundaluk: University, Debrecen - shot with Prakticar 28mm
fundaluk: Statue of Tisza István, Debrecen - shot with Prakticar 28mm
fundaluk: University Church, Debrecen - shot with Prakticar 28mm
fundaluk: Chained together
fundaluk: Debrecen, Nagyerdő - do not step on the ice! (shot with Prakticar 28mm lens)