mrsstainless: 001. Sapphire Princess
mrsstainless: 002. Sapphire Princess
mrsstainless: 002a. Cabin L229
mrsstainless: 003. Our Cabin
mrsstainless: 004. Our Cabin
mrsstainless: 005. Our Cabin
mrsstainless: 006. Our Cabin
mrsstainless: 007. Our Cabin
mrsstainless: 008. soon to be filled up.JPG
mrsstainless: 009. The Piazza
mrsstainless: 010. First Night Show
mrsstainless: 011. Our Favorite Hangout.JPG
mrsstainless: 012. Covered pool area.JPG
mrsstainless: 013. Waiting for her Latte.JPG
mrsstainless: 014. Cookie time.JPG
mrsstainless: 015. Dressup Night for Capiains party
mrsstainless: 016. Dressup Night for Capiains party
mrsstainless: 017. Captains Welcome Aboard Party
mrsstainless: 018. Captains Welcome Aboard Party
mrsstainless: 019. Captains Welcome Aboard Party
mrsstainless: 020. Captains Welcome Aboard Party
mrsstainless: 021. Champagne Waterfall
mrsstainless: 022. Champagne Waterfall
mrsstainless: 023. Dancing in the Wheel House
mrsstainless: 024. Dancing in the Wheel House
mrsstainless: 025. Dancing in the Wheel House
mrsstainless: 026. Pete Thompson in the Crooners Lounge
mrsstainless: 026a. Pete Thompson in the Crooners Lounge
mrsstainless: 027. Deck time
mrsstainless: 028. Our FAVORITE afternoon activity