mrsstainless: 001. Our ride-The Mercury
mrsstainless: 002. Our Favorite group-Setting up
mrsstainless: 003. First Nite-Mel & Marion
mrsstainless: 004. First Nite-Neil & Joan Torrence
mrsstainless: 005.First Nite- Har & Mere
mrsstainless: 006 First Nite arty at the Navagato
mrsstainless: 007. First Nite arty at the Navagato
mrsstainless: 008. First Nite arty at the Navagato
mrsstainless: 009. First Nite arty at the Navagato
mrsstainless: 010. B & D at the Navagator
mrsstainless: 011. On Our Way
mrsstainless: 012. Navigator-the next morning
mrsstainless: 013. Nanigator-the next morning
mrsstainless: 014. Navigator-the next morning
mrsstainless: 015. 2006-Acapulco Cruise
mrsstainless: 016. 2006-Acapulco Cruise
mrsstainless: 017. 2006-Acapulco Cruise
mrsstainless: 018. 2006-Acapulco Cruise
mrsstainless: 019 2006-Acapulco Cruise
mrsstainless: 020. Waiting for dinner
mrsstainless: 021. First Formal Dinner Mel & Marion
mrsstainless: 022. First formal Dinner Neil & Joan
mrsstainless: 023. First Formal Har & Mere + Jeanie
mrsstainless: 024. First Formal B & D
mrsstainless: 025. The Gang at the Pavillion
mrsstainless: 026. The Gang at the Pavillion
mrsstainless: 027. The Gang at the Pavillion
mrsstainless: 028. The Gang at the Pavillion
mrsstainless: 029. The Gang at the Pavillion
mrsstainless: 030. Our Favorite at the Pavillion