suzanne~: The flag of Bangladesh - only red and green
Torok_Bea: Nagy kócsag (Ardea alba, Egretta alba, Casmerodius albus)
m_laRs_k: colorSPACE
suzanne~: Still life with bok choy and garlic
marianna armata: Sun worshiper
suzanne~: Still life with winter vegetables
matt.kueh: Adrift
jarnasen: Pastel frost
m_laRs_k: waveFORMS
James_D_Images: The waters above and the waters below
nelli40: Face of an Owl
CVIja(x): Geometry of Lonliness
E. Pardo: Las formas del invierno
shutterclick3x: Dunes #30 Twilight Over Dunes
Jambo53 (): Gotcha (2)!
de_frakke: Anthurium B&W
Jan.Timmons: Spotted Towhee—a female, perhaps
matt.kueh: Hazed
Jambo53 (): Happy New Year!
Torok_Bea: Nagy kócsag (Ardea alba, Egretta alba, Casmerodius albus)
de_frakke: Survivors - Overlevers
shutterclick3x: DuneGeometry #20
massimodepadova: Flatland 23