funadium: Carl Zeiss Flektogon 20/2.8
funadium: Christmas gift
funadium: Macro Gear
funadium: Schinkenvögel Tilt Shift Lens 02
funadium: Schinkenvögel Tilt Shift Lens 01
funadium: Jupiter 21M 200/4
funadium: Listar 500 mm f:8
funadium: Listar on Pentax
funadium: Spotting scope
funadium: A pacific cannon
funadium: My bag
funadium: First mystery lens
funadium: Second mystery lens
funadium: SMC Pentax-M 50mm 1.7
funadium: Tutorial - Focusing and DOF - #3
funadium: Test of the Pentax 10-17 mm fisheye
funadium: Test of the Pentax 14mm f:2.8
funadium: Test of the Pentax 200 mm f:2.8
funadium: Test of the Pentax 300 mm f:4