j.arnold32: Kestrel
KHR Images: What's Your Problem?!...
budgiepaulbird: Just Resting My Eyes
KHR Images: Crested Tit
Alan Woodgate: Badgers (Meles meles) - Sow and cubs
nigel.sprowell: Water Vole
treed1954: Chiffchaff Woodwalton Fen 8th October 2018.
MOZBOZ1: Pine Marten
ian hull: Roe Deer - Buck Portrait (1 of 1)
KHR Images: Kingfisher in flight
Thomas Winstone: Tawny Owl about to catch prey
KHR Images: Peregrine Falcon
Phil Bromley: Brown Hairstreak
Phil Bromley: Purple Hairstreak
KHR Images: Morning Glory
MOZBOZ1: Pine Marten, female and kit
johnrm2013: Kingfisher ( Alcedo atthis ) female
Cosper Wosper: Bearded Reedling ~ Panurus biarmicus
yvonnepay615: Speckled with pollen
rosebudl1959: Short Eared Owl-Asio flammeus
MOZBOZ1: Cuckoo
wildlifelynn: Eurasian Sparrowhawk DSC_4463
nsiepelbakker: Here is your fish my dear!
Summerside90: House Wren
Philip Male photography: ... Medieval Mist ...
Linz27: Green veined white butterfly - (Pieris napi)
Philip Male photography: ... In golden pond ...