Full Grown Raiju: Love the Colors!
Full Grown Raiju: Jessica and Morgan
Full Grown Raiju: KT and Morgan
Full Grown Raiju: heyyy Roommate
Full Grown Raiju: Gentleman in Red
Full Grown Raiju: heyyy Roommate
Full Grown Raiju: Morgan and Some Strangers
Full Grown Raiju: Birthdays!
Full Grown Raiju: Casey and Robin
Full Grown Raiju: Jacob and KT
Full Grown Raiju: I'm scared
Full Grown Raiju: explaining
Full Grown Raiju: Love the colors
Full Grown Raiju: They're actually clasping hands
Full Grown Raiju: Tourists?
Full Grown Raiju: Look at Jessica!
Full Grown Raiju: At least KT looks good