full_exposure: Time to wake up
full_exposure: I'm feeling a little color for today's shoot
full_exposure: Rearranged my place for today's photo shoot
full_exposure: Taking it easy tonight.
full_exposure: I got my Blurb book of instagram photos in the mail today.
full_exposure: My box of antlers arrived in the mail today
full_exposure: Home resting... Not feeling good
full_exposure: Listening to records with @prettydavid and @cinephile66
full_exposure: Merry Christmas
full_exposure: @prettydavid and I just made holiday jello shots!
full_exposure: Pretty Pills
full_exposure: I can't sleep so up in the middle of night taking a bath and eating Hulu
full_exposure: Just moved my bedroom to the living room for a photo shoot tomorrow.... I'm tired. Gonna grab a drink now before continuing on....
full_exposure: Bubble bath and @hulu
full_exposure: Doing Laundry
full_exposure: Photographing @nickxfoxx at my studio for #starrfucker magazine ft #homoriot clothing.
full_exposure: My new baby just arrived!!!!
full_exposure: #me #bubblebath
full_exposure: I'm juicing some dinner...
full_exposure: My Rooftop
full_exposure: Leather Soap
full_exposure: Just finished cleaning my place just in time for my housewarming party in 30 minutes!
full_exposure: My backdrop rack is install and my new strobes are ready.... I'm ready to start shooting in my new studio.
full_exposure: It's time for bed....
full_exposure: Starting to stock up the fridge
full_exposure: Good Morning
full_exposure: Finally got at least one part of my new place cleaned up. My Kitchen