full_exposure: by H O T B
full_exposure: Tas and Brian
full_exposure: Brian and Me on Lunch
full_exposure: Brian Saving Callie From Guy
full_exposure: James, Brian, and I at the end of the night
full_exposure: Nita Naldi
full_exposure: Geoff and Mini-Bar Wine
full_exposure: Waiting To Be Picked Up From Burbank
full_exposure: Roxy and MA
full_exposure: Death: Jeremy, Roxy, and Oliver
full_exposure: Brian Newman
full_exposure: James Hawke
full_exposure: David and Brian
full_exposure: He's a Banker
full_exposure: Sunset Junction
full_exposure: Sunset Junction
full_exposure: Me, Randy and Brian
full_exposure: Jeremiah, Aldo, Ruben, and David
full_exposure: Jaime, Principal Bob, and Tas
full_exposure: David and Greg
full_exposure: Birthday Lap Dance
full_exposure: Holiday Party
full_exposure: William
full_exposure: William