fueledbycoffee: This is my kind of coffee shop. Crushing so hard on u Lux.
fueledbycoffee: Mitch Altman (inventor of TV-B-Gone) teaching soldering to people in the light of a Coil Lamp at #ORDcamp. Rad.
fueledbycoffee: #ordcamp
fueledbycoffee: I maintain that there is no finer vessel for coffee than one made of glass.
fueledbycoffee: (in September!)
fueledbycoffee: "Motor home" by Henry Berman. Pencil on paper, 2014
fueledbycoffee: MCMprototype-1980
fueledbycoffee: MCMprototype-1978
fueledbycoffee: MCM prototypes
fueledbycoffee: MCM prototypes
fueledbycoffee: MCM prototypes
fueledbycoffee: MCM prototypes
fueledbycoffee: MCM prototypes
fueledbycoffee: MCM prototypes
fueledbycoffee: Pigeon eating Flaming Hot Cheetos in the snow. This one's dedicated to @timlahan