John!!!: The Players Arrive
John!!!: The First throw
John!!!: Not the easiest of games
John!!!: Concentration
John!!!: Ball in flight
John!!!: Jeff takes a roll
John!!!: Dan makes a toss
John!!!: Jacking off
John!!!: Balls
John!!!: Short toss
John!!!: Dave has excellent form
John!!!: More Jacking Off
John!!!: Impressing the undergrads
John!!!: High toss
John!!!: Deciding where to throw the jack
John!!!: Jack behind the tree
John!!!: Putting the correct spin on the ball
John!!!: Where's the jack?
John!!!: Results
John!!!: Dan makes a throw
John!!!: Examining the results
John!!!: Dave plans his shot
John!!!: Ball in motion
John!!!: More ball in motion
John!!!: Jeff going underhand
John!!!: Going for the ivy
John!!!: Play it where it lies
John!!!: Downhill shot
John!!!: Dan goes for a high ball
John!!!: The field